Karma Yoga urges us to perform righteous deeds aligned to our natural instinct, liberate ourselves from desires and attachment towards the result so that our future actions are aligned to our dharma.

Key Concepts include:

  • Obligation towards Karma or Action
  • Indestructability of atman or soul
  • Liberation from Ichcha or Desires
  • Qualities of a Sthit Pragya person
  • Detachment from Phal or Outcome
  • Balancing the Imbalance in Dharma

Karma Every living person gets bound to its karma, the moment it is born. There is no escape from Karma – not even for the Divine.

Atman – The body is mortal, but the soul is indestructible. Weapons cannot harm it, fire cannot burn it, water cannot wet it and wind cannot dry it.

Ichcha – A person who is slave of his Ichcha (desires) is actually his own enemy, but one who overcomes the same, is an eternal friend of self and Divine.

Sthit Praggya Person is one who is neither elated in happiness nor drowned with Grief. One who maintains equanimity in all situations in life is closer to the divine.

Phal – It is a person’s obligation to perform an action, but he has no right to expect a Phal or an outcome. The desire of an outcome needs to be relinquished, not the act.

Dharma – Whenever the Dharma or righteousness is threatened and an imbalance is created, then I (the Divine) take an avatar to balance the good and the evil